
Once upon a night in Regent's Park

sabato 23 agosto 2014
London can be amazing and beautiful for so many things that you don't even know where to start, but my favourite one is definitely its parks. Every fucking park in London is magic, I always feel so fascinated and inspired and peaceful. Everytime I go to a park in London I feel happy, even if it's a bad day.
And I remember, in particular, one day that I came home from work, very tired after working eight hours and after I woke up at four in the morning, and my friend asked me to go to some park (because she's into nature and walking and that kind of stuff.) So, I usually say no because I'm feeling very tired, and all I want is just lay in the bed, text with my friends and scroll Tumblr. But that day I felt like 'ok let's do it, I can do it.' so I relaxed for few minutes and then we both went out. 
We decided to go to Regent's Park, cause we usually go to Hyde Park so it would've be nice to change once in a while. It was around 7 or maybe 8pm, but it was summer so it was still very bright and warm. We walked for a while around the park and then entered the Inner Circle, where we spotted a huge group of people having a pic-nic and dancing latino music. There were few groups actually having pic-nics and it was so nice seeing so many people having fun and chilling out on the grass, with music and everything. There was this kind of romantic summer feeling that was making everything so beautiful. I wished I had my camera with me or, at least, a boyfriend; but I'm still thankful I was with my friend. We kept walking and exploring the park and we entered the Rose Garden. I swear to God, I used to think roses are mainstream and irrelevant to me, but I am so in love with their smell. 
I still remember that time I went to Kew Gardens (again, another park) in the Rose Garden spot and I was almost crying for the smell. Seriously, I'm not joking, it was so strong that all my senses were filled by that smell.
We stayed in the Rose Gardens a lot of time cause my friend loves roses and we both love the smell. After a while we decided to walk to Primrose Hill (which is behind Regent's Park, at north.) 
We missed the sunset for a second, damn hill. But we sat on the top of it and watched the light fading over London. It was so romantic. 
A while later it was around 10pm so we went home. It was a very long day but I'm so grateful I found the strenght to go out 'cause I would have missed an amazing evening.

Summer Holiday - Italy

venerdì 22 agosto 2014
I'm in Italy now, writing from my lovely dear old room and everything feels like back to usual. It seems like I've been away for years yet it feels like I never left home. Few things have changed and others are still the same. I still remember how to drive my car, which was something that quite scared me (I mean, wondering if I remembered how to drive) and now I'm trying to enjoy these two short weeks of italian summer, the kind of summer that I'm used to. I've been away for just six months, which actually it's quite a lot, and on my way back home I thought everything was going to be as I left but, to my disappoint, things have changed and not changed at all at the same time.
I was expecting to live as I used to live before I left: going out for dinner, for parties, fangirl, going to the beach, stay up late at night. But friends are working, I'm alone and I feel like I've been missing so many things.
I love to be home, though, I think everyone does. The thing is that I'm always eager to change, to escape, to try something different, something new, but then I get scared and I want to go back to my room, to my house, to my friends and family and stay in that same old routine that used to bore me.
I'm silly, so foolish and naive, but I don't care anymore.

SO, in my last blog post I wrote that I had plans about photography and I was obviously talking about the London Photo Meet-up with Brooke Shaden. She organized the whole thing in Green Park and it was quite funny and depressing at the same time. I arrived very early cause I had a day off and I was bored at home so I was in Green Park around 5pm. When I noticed nobody was there yet (even though few people said they would) I walked to Piccadilly Circus and went to eat at my favourite sushi place (Yoshino). As I finished it was about time to go and when I got back to Green Park I spotted a big group of people on the grass with cameras and tripods and I joined them. I met so many nice and lovely people and I was the third person who hugged Brooke. She is so small and pretty and cute.
The evening was nice, even if I was more a model than a photographer (with my small poor camera) not big shoots planned and everything was very random. I felt quite out of place at certain point because everyone seemed to have ideas and concepts and started to direct models for their shoots but me, I was just wandering and stealing shots of other people' ideas. I guess it's just not for me to have ready ideas to use anytime, anywhere. But still, considering I took about 50 photos I ended up with few good shots, and felt pretty satisfied with them. I guess it was just luck, nothing to do with talent or anything. I was just lucky.
And now, another gathering is hopefully in plan for the end of August, let's hope I will be able to go and enjoy some creativity which is something that I miss often, lately.
I will let you know.

Greenwich and picnic

martedì 5 agosto 2014
When my best friend was still here, her brother took us to Greenwich. Of course the weather was shit again,what would you expect.
I didn't even take that many photos 'cause there was no point.  BUT, I will go back and I will post loads of photos.

Then there are few photos from the day that me and my friend went to Regent's Park and few others from last week when I went with my friend to St. James' Park for a picnic. It was supposed to be an international picnic, with four of us and dishes from our countries. But eventually it was just me and Sylwia with a sort of polish apple pie and crepes with cheese. AND CREAM. Don't forget the cream.
It was nice though, at one point it even started to rain. Unusual, huh?

I will write another blog post soon 'cause I might have nice plans for tonight, which involve photography. Stay tuned.


I don't know how, but my laptop might be back to normality since now I've been using it for three days and still nothing happened. But you never know so let's write blog posts as soon as I can. 
About three weeks ago my best friend came to visit me in London and one day we decided to go to Brighton. We were planning it for weeks but unfortuately the weather was shit. I mean, why everytime someone come to visit me and I have to go around London all day, it always has to rain? It was freaking cold, rainy and windy. Thanks weather, you really love me. 
Anyway maybe it was the cold weather or the short time we had to visit all the town, but I feel like I didn't really enjoy it. It felt so nostalgic and sad. The funfair on the Brighton Pier was lovely though. But that's it.
Nothing really special, maybe I should go back with a good weather for few days so I will be able to live the town properly, don't you think?

Oh anyway, at least I had my camera.